The New NWES Experience

We are thrilled to announce that Northwest Electric and Solar (NWES) has updated its website to bring you the experience you need for all things electric. We hope you can take some time to learn more about how our services can get your lifestyle and energy usage to the next level.

Why We Are Here

The About page is for you if you have not heard about our mission, values, and goals! Here, you’ll find why we do what we do and where we want to take our business in the years to come through the meaningful experience with the communities, businesses, and residents like you! See a showcase of our installers and the pets of NWES!

Crafting For the Future

You can find engaging photos of the pacific northwest and our craft between our services, from lighting up your new construction home to installing a Flexible Storage System with bleeding-edge technology like Span. We aim to give you the control and knowledge to best use, store, and generate your electricity.

The Quality Equipment We Use

Our products page describes why we choose the energy equipment we offer and include it in all solar installs! You will find our link to our publicly available solar monitoring platform; see how we are currently generating energy if it’s daytime!

Stay Informed On How To Energizing Your World!

Don’t forget our Resources section to stay up to date and learn about leading technology and developments in the electrical and energy industries. You can find our warranties and equipment specification sheets here as well along with our FAQ.

Thank You

You are what makes our work so meaningful; together, we are working towards a more sustainable and equitable future through how we use our electricity. We are always open to feedback about our services, website, social media; you name it! We are here to bring you the best experience possible through our customer service and craft; thank you, and have a fantastic day!

user profile image for Manuel Larrain
Manuel Larrain
Manuel Larrain is a Chilean-born US citizen who studied business and sustainability at Western Washington University. Solar energy is his passion, as it is transforming how Washingtonians power their lifestyle. He believes we can address climate change, environmental justice, and steward a brighter future for all of us through renewable energy.