Solar Panel Installation in SnoPUD Territory
All rooftop solar installations must follow PUD (Public Utility District) guidelines for interconnection and net metering. This applies to customers working with solar contractors and DIYers installing their own PV systems. If you have any questions, contact the PUD Energy Hotline at 425-783-1700.

About SnoPUD and Electricity
Snohomish County PUD is a municipal corporation of Washington, formed by a majority vote to provide electric and water utility services. There are 27 other PUDs in Washington, but we are the largest. Snohomish County PUD is the second largest publicly owned utility in the Pacific Northwest and the 12th largest in the nation regarding customers served. Electric System statistics include:

Service area of 2,200 square miles, including all of Snohomish County and Camano Island.

Over 338,000 residential customers

1,047 average numbe rof employees

8,608,527 megawatt-hours in energy sales
Solar Panel Incentives and SnoPUD
Federal incentives for solar panel systems for SnoPUD customers include the Investment Tax Credit, a 30% tax credit for solar energy systems. In Washington State, solar energy systems are sales tax exempt.

Net Metering with SnoPUD
Washington state’s net metering policy enables customers who generate electricity to offset their annual consumption. If a customer’s energy production exceeds their consumption in a billing period, they accrue credit in a net metering reserve. However, if their consumption surpasses production, they must pay the Public Utility District (PUD) for their net purchase. It’s important to note that all PUD customers are subject to a minimum energy charge, which cannot be offset by solar energy. The net metering reserve allows customers to carry forward their credit and apply it to future energy charges. However, according to state law, net metering reserve credit expires on March 31 each year. The PUD does not compensate for excess generation, and customers cannot transfer their surplus energy to other PUD customers. To optimize benefits, it is recommended that customers size their photovoltaic (PV) systems to match their average annual energy consumption.